What have we done in year 5 topic work?

In topic work,we have been planning and filming our very own Horrible Histories TV programmes about the Romans. In our groups we have been planning what we want to put in our programmes and eventually filmed them using a green screen. We have also been learning about the different job roles as a Roman. Most people became gladiators or fought in the army. After that, we also made props like signs and weapons to use in our show.

After we researched the jobs in Roman times we decided which ones would suit us best. We made costumes of what people we needed to pretend to be in our show. We had lots of time in our groups discussing our next scene we needed to film. In my group we copied the idea of Britain’s Got Talent and turned it into Romes got talent. Two people as the judges and 2 people as the contestants also one person was the host. We also made an advert for our show, instead of Tesco Express and invented ROME EXPRESS!!

As you can see we have worked very hard to create our own Horrible Histories TV show and look forward to watching them all by the end of this week .

by Luke and Jake.




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